Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Homemade: Lamb & Bison Burgers

HamburgerSlayer and the BurgerBlogger enjoy some of HamburgerSlayer's unique homemade heat:

The 2 patties were made with:

One half-pound each of Ground Lamb and Bison
One Beaten Egg (divided in two)
Salt, Garlic and Rosemary Seasoning
Hot Chili Oil
Four Slices of Extra Thick Bacon (cooked, crumbled and mixed with ground raw meat)
Bran Flakes

Garnished with:
Caramelized Red Onions
Oregon Tillamook®™ Extra Sharp Cheddar Cheese

Served on a Toasted Onion and Cheese Kaiser with Homemade Macaroni and Cheese

The Burgers were quite thick weighing in at a half-pound each, and took extra time to cook. No BBQ at home, so we raised them first, then turned on low to cook slowly and cooked covered for the last few minutes on very low heat. They ca
BurgerBlogger adds:

She forgot to mention the homemade macaroni and cheese. She made the cheese sauce with milk and Tillamook®™ Extra Sharp Cheddar Cheese. Halla at me if you want that recipe.. She ALSO forgot to mention the main ingredient recipe , two pounds of a whole lotta fun, a six pack of pabst and some tequila...

Only available is select locations.
Limited time only!


Manolo said...

I shouldn't drink and blog anymore. my spanglish gets very spanglishish (specially if you hear me slur the word KAISER ROLL)
These were super good, i passed out for a few hours after the feasting. heheh.

MrBaconpants said...

PBR me ASAP!!!

The Giant Hamburger said...

That was a great looking burger but check this burger @ wwwthegianthamburger.com let me know if you would like a kit.